Sharon Housing Partnership

Meeting Minutes- May 2, 2007                        Approved June 6, 2007


In attendance: Jane Desberg, Robert Young, Susan Saunders, Alan Lury, Mary Tobin, Also present: Paul Lauenstein from the Sharon Planning Board


Voted to approve: Minutes of April 4, 2007


Inclusionary Zoning

Paul Lauenstein presented the Draft Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw (IZB) for review by the committee for the November Town Meeting. This bylaw would require that developers seeking to build six or more units of housing provide that at least (15%) of the units are affordable under DHCD guidelines. Jane Desberg suggested that the IZB should apply not only to new construction but also to rehabilitation of existing multiunit properties (Sec 3612). It was also commented that the affordable units should be equivalent, not merely "compatible" with other units in regard to size, design, appearance, construction, and quality of materials (Sec 3615b). It was also discussed that the HP should be included in the formulation of the marketing plan and the Town be identified as the Monitoring Agent for the Affordable Housing Lottery (Sec. 3617).  Section -3619 Maximum Incomes and Selling Prices: Initial Sale needs to be rewritten to indicate that applicants conform to the Housing Partnership Affordable Housing application process. It was also suggested to change "period of 99 years" to "in perpetuity" (Sec 3620).  Under Section 3621- Donation of Land- It was discussed that if land was donated in lieu of construction of affordable units, the appraised value of the land must equal at least (2.2 times) the price of a home valued at 80% of the AMI.


Monetary payments in lieu of providing homes was discussed but this option would work only if the Housing Partnership and the Housing Trust worked together. There was also some discussion of the idea of providing homeowners of modestly priced homes (~350K), willing to deed restrict their homes as affordable, with a buy down to cover the difference between the market price and the affordable based upon 80% AMI . It was suggested that this program would spread affordable units throughout the Town and not result in increased Town costs related to new construction.


Paul suggested that he would like to come back before the HP with Tom Houston to further discuss the IZB as it develops.


Home Rule Petition

The petition will be voted on this week. Senator Brian Joyce wrote a letter of support. On May 1st the Sharon Board of Selectmen also voted to send a letter to support this petition. Robert Young mentioned that 20 letters in support have been sent to Representative Kafka.



Hunter's Ridge

The developer has accepted the $8000.00 fee requested by the Housing Authority to serve as the Lottery Agent. He however rejected the fee requiring 1% of the sale price requested for the Housing Trust. Three thousand dollars of the 8K will be paid to the consultant. To minimize costs all applications will have to be picked up and will not be mailed.


Sharon Hills (Brickstone)

Brickstone representatives asked the HP for a vote indicative of the HP's position on the proposed zoning changes related to the Sharon Hills development.

Motion: Robert Young made a motion that the HP support the proposed zoning changes related to the Brickstone development. Alan Lury Seconded.

Four in favor- one against.


Wilbur School

The project has changed and is now no longer age restricted and will include ~ 79 units-mostly one-bedroom. The project management company is Beacon Properties. Alan Lury volunteered to be the HP contact liaison.


New Business

Eli Hauser's letter to the Sharon Advocate (April 27,2007) was discussed. The HP will write an editorial after Town Meeting to discuss the goal of the HP being not simply to reach 10% affordable but to provide affordable homeownership opportunities to Sharon town employees and residents.


At June's meeting the vote for officers should be discussed.